Template and text structure

The advertisements appear in accordance with the design reconciled in advance. These prefabricated formats are referred to as templates; one Client may have several templates, attributing them individually to the advertisements. The template includes the font, colour, and the image elements. Preparation of individual templates incurs certain production costs, which must be discussed separately.

A particular text field may be displayed in two types of text structures:

  • wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) - i.e. everything is displayed in the format as supplied by the partner in the feed, including line breaks, highlights and bullet points

  • text2list - bullet points are automatically set at every line break in the template

Within a template, different text structures can be set for the various fields separately (e.g. the company information field is wysiwyg, while the expectations are a text2list list), but this has to be taken into account for all advertised jobs, i.e. the feed should preferably and consistently provide the same text structure for each field.

The template will be handed over with the template_id entity.

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